In 1999, Dr. Lisa graduated second in her class from the University of Illinois and practiced for 8 years at animal shelters and small animal practices throughout the Chicagoland area. In 2007, she founded The Welcome Waggin’ In-Home Veterinary Care, P.C.. As a mobile veterinarian, she witnessed the true richness of the human-animal bond and had the opportunity to observe the subtleties of behavioral, dermatologic, orthopedic and internal medical diseases, as well as assist pets in their golden years, all strong professional interests.
In 2020, she passed the torch to a veterinary associate and relocated to vibrant Tampa. Currently, she spends time in Illinois as a content creator for The Pet Butler, in Tampa as a small animal veterinarian, and working as a licensed Realtor! Dr. Lisa enjoys traveling, running, and rooting for the Chicago Cubs and Tampa Lightning.